
How it works the reaffirmation?

Cada día surgen más tratamientos de belleza que son muy útiles y no los conocemos. Por ello, en este blog te contamos qué es, cómo funciona la reafirmación corporal y sus principales beneficios. ¡No te pierdas el siguiente post!
Each day arise more treatments of beauty that are very useful and do not know them. Thus, in this blog count you what is, how works the corporal reaffirmation and his main profits. You do not lose you the following post!
What is and how works the reaffirmation?
The reaffirmation is a treatment of aesthetics that allows that it diminish the flacidez corporal of the zone that wish. Said flacidez corporal aggravates because of different factors. Among them, the most stood out are the variations of weight very sudden or by some pregnancy, where produces a big estiramiento of the skin in a short period of time. Besides, the flacidez can see aggravated by some bad nutritional habits, the sedentarism and the tobacco. Another very important factor is the loss of muscular mass already was been due to to have suffered an injury or to the cutaneous aging typical of the age.
By these reasons, the skin loses elasticity and produces a deterioration in the production of the collagen, what translates in a loss of luminosity and tersura in the skin.
The corporal treatment of the reaffirmation, combines medical mechanisms and manuals to access to the distinct layers of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen. This allows us undo us of the problems of flacidez, celulitis and skin of orange.

Main profits

The first results can observe from the fifth session of the treatment. Until this moment, observe like the skin recovers big part of his elasticity, what allows us appreciate an appearance more terso and defined of the zone treated. Besides, it produces a remarkable muscular strengthening. To maintain this tonificación muscular, has to combine with a diet balanced, rich in nutrients and with the practical regulate of physical exercise.
We expect that this blog have helped you to know more about the corporal reaffirmation. If you are thinking in making you this treatment or need information, in our centre of aesthetics Ana Marco will be loved to solve your doubts.
Until next Thursday!
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