
Differences among prebióticos and probióticos

Hoy os vamos a hablar de las diferencias entre prebióticos y probióticos y sus beneficios para nuestro organismo y, más en concreto, para la piel. 
Today we go you to speak of the differences among prebióticos and probióticos and his profits for our organism and, more in concrete, for the skin
Sure that if some time have taken antibiotics, your doctor has decided recetarte prebióticos and probióticos. But his use does not remain here, also have turn ingredients very useful in some cosmetics. The professionals affirm that these substances can have big profits for the skin.

Differences among prebióticos and probióticos

During long we have heard to speak of the collagen for the skin, but now find us in the boom of the prebióticos and probióticos. Although it can look odd, are very useful since they can serve us to reinforce the cutaneous flora or microbiota of the skin. This is due to that in our skin inhabit microorganisms that help us to reinforce the barriers that protect us of the external agents. Of this form, act like modulators, and reduce the inflammation of the skin and hamper the assault of other pathogenic bacteria. That is to say, they protect us the skin.

What are the prebióticos and the probióticos?

Although it is usual to see together prebióticos and probióticos, are not the same. In eighties a series of Japanese researchers made the first definition that exists of prebiótico when ascertaining his profits for the health. With the step of the time this definition has gone varying. Like this, we can say that the prebióticos are composed that the organism does not arrive to digest but that have effects that stimulate the growth and the activity of the beneficial bacteria. Thus, they are alimentary ingredients that serve of sustrato to the microorganisms of our skin. They contribute them energy, metabolites and micronutrientes that stimulate the microbiota cutaneous. The probióticos, by his part, are alive microorganisms that, when ingieren in the suitable quantities, can result beneficial for the health. It treats of bacteria or yeasts that are present in some foods like yoghourts or cheeses, in medicines, or in dietary supplements.

Which are his profits for the skin?

Diverse studios have arrived to the conclusion that the administration by oral road of prebióticos and probióticos can have a vital paper in the prevention of illnesses in which the cutaneous barrier is altered, as for example the dermatitis atópica. Besides, also they are interesting for the treatment of determinate conditions like the acne or skins weakened.

Conclusion: they Are better the probióticos or the prebióticos?

To day of today, in matter of probióticos, does not know which is the necessary quantity to make a treatment since it does not have still of a technology of optimum analysis. Thus, it is necessary to have care when applying probióticos of direct form. This is due to that we risk us to contribute an excess of beneficial bacteria and desequilibrar the cutaneous flora. If this raisin, would obtain an opposite result to the looked for.
Thus, we decant us by the prebióticos. With them we are feeding to the beneficial bacteria of the skin that, if they are in balance, will take it when they need it. Besides, in front of an excess of prebióticos will not spend at all, simply will remain in the skin of innocuous form, being even beneficial for the skin. Therefore, with the prebióticos are obtaining main profits and do not risk us to that produce adverse effects.
We expect that this blog have been you of utility to know the differences among prebióticos and probióticos. If have some doubt of the subject, do not doubt in putting you in contact with our Centre of Aesthetics Ana Marco and will help you to resolve them.
Until prompt!
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