
Facial hydratations

Hoy en día, es muy importante cuidar nuestra piel, en concreto, nuestro cutis. Por ello, hay que poner especial atención a los productos y cuidados que utilizamos. 
Nowadays, it is very important to take care our skin, in concrete, our cutis. Thus, it is necessary to put special attention to the products and cares that use. 
In the blog of today, explain you all what have to know on the facial hydratations. You do not lose you the blog!

In what consists?

The facial hydratations are a set of aesthetic cares that consist in applying products hidratantes or through some treatment made on the skin. This, allows us augment the level of cutaneous hydratation. Die to different factors, like the climate, the changes of temperature, the humidity and the contamination, among others, is possible that alter  the balance of the skin. Giving place to a drier skin with presence of stains or crease. Thus, it is very important the realisation of daily facial hydratations, that allow us augment the elasticity and the percentage of water of the skin.
For hidratar ours skin of natural form is important to spend a rich healthy diet in vitamins, nutrients and have to drink 2 litres of water to the day roughly. REGARDING the external hydratation, have to use facial products hidratantes applied directly on the cutis. Besides, periodically we can make facial treatments in aesthetic centres to attain some better results. In our centre of aesthetics Ana Marco have of different facial treatments.

Profits of the facial hydratations

In relation to the main profits that contribute the facial hydratations distinguish the following:
  • The cutis is always more terso and elastic.
  • Since the skin is very hidratada, diminish  crease them and stains that possessed the cutis.
  • They diminish all the facial imperfections like the blackheads or the pores.
It is true, that to achieve some better results have to know the type of skin that have. Like this, we will be able to purchase the products so much hidratantes like exfoliantes that more adapt to our cutis.
We expect to have resolved all your doubts on the facial hydratations. If have any doubt, can consult to the squad of professionals of our cabinet of beauty Ana Marco.
Until next Thursday!
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