
Facial hygiene for men

En el post de hoy vamos a hablar de la higiene facial para hombres. Todos estamos acostumbrados a relacionar la higiene facial con las mujeres, pero en los últimos años, los hombres también se han subido al carro del cuidado (más vale tarde que nunca).
In the post of today go to speak of the facial hygiene for men. All are accustomed to relate the facial hygiene with the women, but in the last years, the men also have gone up to the cart of the care (better late than never).
The facial hygiene can explain like a set of cares that will allow to our face be and see healthy.
The care and facial hygiene would have to be indispensable for all person. This is due to that the same that hidratamos and take care the other parts of our body, is convenient to follow suit with the face, our shop window to the world.

Types of facial hygiene

To base of cosmetics and natural products

With the peak of the worry by the ingredients that possess the products that use, are incorporating in all the fields the products of natural origin. And it did not go to be less in the terrain of the beauty.
In a principle, the use of natural ingredients was seen rather like a home-made remedy little effective. Nevertheless, with the step of the years, a lot of companies have decided to implant this philosophy in his products, becoming even more effective that the ones of all the life.

To base of chemical cosmetics

By long that it spend it follows us alarming the chemical word; however, it is not more than the products that include in them some no natural component. These products are those that have used all the life, and that thus, have like advantage a series of years for testar his effectiveness.
Related with the worry by the chemists and the reduction of these, fits to stand out that no longer they use the same compounds that does relatively few years. This is due to the fact that by our current panorama these have gone substituting by others with similar effects and less harmful.

Components of the facial hygiene

For the good realisation of a facial routine, are indispensable, like minimum, the following products:
  • Gel Cleansing: it is the element that removes the dirt and impurities that exist in our skin, by what is indispensable to use it for a correct cleansing
  • Tonic: once cleaned the skin in depth, the tonic will do that they close the pores, preventing so turn to go in any particle in them
  • Sérum: His main function is to achieve the layers of the skin to which the rest of the products do not arrive, hidratándolas in depth. Besides, it allows that the products that apply afterwards absorb better and improve his effects.
  • Hidratante: It is the last step of the routine and no precisely the less important. The hidratante in gel or in cream will be the one who provide to our skin the extra of hydratation that needs to be to 100%
In addition to these, if we want to complete our facial hygiene, can do use of sérums specific for our problem (antiedad, against the acne…); or include some product more, such as the outline of eyes or some device with which apply the gel cleansing.

Differences among the facial hygiene for men and for women

To maintain a good facial hygiene in men have to take diverse factors. There is a series of appearances that characterise to this type of skin, differentiating them of the skin of the women.
Although the face is a delicate zone, by the masculine genetics, this turn a less sensitive skin, had to mainly to the beard. However, there are so many skins like people, by what the best is to do a studio in a skilled place. Besides, with the subject of the products the most suitable is the method tries and error. That is to say, there is not at all better like trying it to see which effects has in each one of us.
Having all the mentioned in account, can say that a facial hygiene in men is quite similar to the one of women. Among them it changes the type of products, but no his purpose. That is to say, a cream hidratante for men has the same purpose that for women (hidratar); however, this effect will attain take the differences regarding the composition and sensibility of the skin in men and women.
Besides, as I complement specific for the men, is common the use of conditioners or masks for the peel of the beard, as well as some type of oil. This is due to that the image of a person with a beard taken care in front of another with the beard without taking care changes notably.
If you are man and still do not have clear how have to take care your face but are convinced that you want to do it, do not doubt in going through you the Centre of Aesthetics Ana Marco in Saragossa. Here we will advise you and we will resolve all your doubts and will be able to spend you home the products indicated for you.
We see us in the next post!
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