
Precautions of the fotodepilación

​La fotodepilación es un método muy extendido y seguro pero que siempre debe estar guiado por un profesional. Hacerlo de forma incorrecta o sin las condiciones necesarias puede conllevar efectos secundarios que llegan a ser molestos e incluso peligrosos. 
​The fotodepilación is a very widespread and sure method but that always has to be guided by a professional. Do it of wrong form or without the necessary conditions can comport secondary effects that become annoying and even dangerous. 
This is due to that the fotodepilación does not leave to be the destruction of the fluff that find in the skin by means of the heat.
Even so, we have to take that it is normal when we speak of fotodepilación that each skin is a world. There will be people that, although the treatment have carry correctly can perceive some inflammation, something of ache and even of enrojecimiento. This the same is due to that we speak of a very sensitive skin and, therefore, to the days will diminish the feeling. Anyway, the most important is to speak with the professional person that go to make the fotodepilación so that it comment us the possible secondary effects according to our type of skin.
Yes that it is not at all recommended for those people that suffer fotosensibilidad, that have varices or problems of blood coagulation, that are with fever very tall or an infection or that have a very bronzed skin.

Fotodepilación During the pregnancy

Noexisten Scientific evidences that show that the fotodepilación affect during the pregnancy. This is due to that the penetration that makes in the skin during the treatment does not surpass the 7 millimetres. Even so, a lot of centres do not recommend his use during the pregnancia.
Even so, during the period of gestation is normal to experience a change hormonal that it can spend to that it appear peel in zones no wished, but east will disappear when the hormonación stabilise again.
Of this form, expect to have you helped with this blog to know the precautions on the fotodepilación that it is necessary to take when we want to make the treatment. If you are thinking in carry it or want to know more our squad of professionals expects you in our Centre of Aesthetics Ana Marco.
Until prompt!
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