
Everything on the fotodepilación

Cada vez más, nos preguntamos cuál es la mejor manera de depilarnos. Por ello, en este blog te comentamos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la fotodepilación. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Increasingly, we ask us which is the best way to depilate us. Thus, in this blog comment you all what need to know on the fotodepilación. No you lose it to you!
What is?
The fotodepilación treats of a form to delete the no wished fluff that has gone purchasing main importance in the last years. It treats of a form to delete the practically painless fluff from methods of light. Mainly, we distinguish two types of fotodepilación: the laser and the light pressed (IPL),both allow us delete the fluff of form almost definite. But, you know really in what consists each type of depilation? To continuation, resolve you all your doubts.

Differences among laser and the light pressed (IPL)

The main difference among both types of depilation is the light that uses .
On the one hand, the depilation laser consists in a very precise and selective method due to the fact that the type of light that uses is monochromatic. Said light concentrates a big power that incide directly in the follicle of the peel, what does that the results are visible of form very fast and is recommended for dark skins.
On the other hand, with the method of depilation of light pressed (IPL) the light that uses is broadband or policromática, what allows him adapt to any type of skin and fluff. Both types of depilation head to the melanin of the peel and that's why we can obtain some permanent results.
It fits to stand out that, no all are equal. This, moves also to this subject. No all the people that make these types of depilation will obtain the same results necessarily. It depend a lot of factors. The most stood out are the colour of the fluff and the skin, the energy employed and the frequency of repetition of the sessions.

Advantages and/or profits of the fotodepilación

To continuation, will quote you cuales are the main advantages or profits that obtain if we use any of the types of fotodepilación appointed previously.
  • It treats of a form to depilate you adapted so much for dark skins (depilation laser) as for skins clearer (depilation IPL or method of light pressed).
  • Also it spans a big variety dye of fluff, being the light pressed a good form to depilate if the fluff that wish to delete is quite blond. Whereas, you can opt by the depilation laser if the fluff is darker.
  • It treats of a system of fast depilation and practically painless . In comparison with other forms to depilate more traditional as it can be the depilation with wax so much hot as cold.
  • On a long-term basis it results the form of depilation more economic, so much if we opt by the depilation laser as by the light pressed.
  • Another point for of this type of depilation, is that it can make in wide zones of the body as they can be the legs or the back. To the equal that is adapted for the depilation of zones more delicate.
  • And, finally, but no thus less important. With the fotodepilación, so much laser like light pressed, achieve  durable results or practically definite.

Disadvantages of the fotodepilación

Any form to depilate tempt so much his positive appearances like negative. In this section, centre us in the negative appearances of the fotodepilación.
  • In the first place, it is possible that, with these methods of elimination of the fluff from the light, suffer some injuries in the skin. It is used to to treat of some superficial injury or redness that disappears to the cape of some days.
  • To avert that these injuries produce other worse harms is very important to augment the care of our skin so much before as after the exposure of this type of treatments. You can know more on these recommendations in the following section of our blog.
  • It does not recommend  his application in zones very delicate or damaged like zones with sin dark and in burns.
  • The fotodepilación does not treat of a good option in case to suffer some illness like the diabetes or the epilepsy. This form of depilation neither is recommended for pregnant women or in period of lactancia.


Next we explain you the main measures that would have to take if you these exposing to some type of fotodepilación to delete the fluff.
Fundamentally, before the realisation of a session of fotodepilación is very important to avert the exposure in the sunlight. Also, you would have to use a cream for hidratar and protect the skin of the rays GRAPE. Roughly a month before beginning with the treatment, have to leave to make any another type of depilation employed previously, given to that in general, starts the fluff of root. Something incompatible with our treatment. Before attending to ours first date of a treatment of fotodepilación have to rasurar the zone that want to delete the fluff.
After the exposure to the treatment of fotodepilación, have to agree us to take care the zone. Therefore, we recommend a gel of Aloe pure edge to regenerate the skin of the zone treated. Also, desaconseja use any type of cream, deodorant or make-up with alcohol to avert the irritation of the skin.


One of the most important subjects to the hour to choose a method of depilation is the price of east. In some centres of aesthetics are used to launch offers so that the clients animate to try the fotodepilación. In our case, in our cabinet of beauty Ana Marco, have launched a bono special of fotodepilación. The bono includes 8 sessions of English or armpits by so alone 50 euros. You can not it leave escape!

Results and repetition

Generally and depending of the type of skin and fluff of each client the results vary. These treatments of fotodepilación allow a permanent reduction of the fluff. As long as they make the sessions established by the professional of the centre. Usually and depend the person and of zone to treat are used to to be necessary among 7 and 10 sessions, made each 2 or 3 months, to delete the fluff of permanent form.
We expect to have resolved your doubts on the fotodepilación. In our cabinet of aesthetics Ana Marco have of big professionals that can resolve any question that have on the fotodepilación.
Until next Thursday!
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